Gold Sugar Cubes - posted by
Experience the sweet taste of gold.You’ve probably already heard of people having gold teeth and people who have sweet tooth, but do you know anything about sweet gold? In case you want to know how sugar will taste like after being coated in the most precious metal on earth, you should give these Gold Sugar Cubes a try. They are 24-carat gold-coated sugar cubes that are ideal for tea, coffee or any cocktail intended for luxury, they can also be used for culinary artworks.

Experience the sweet taste of gold.You’ve probably already heard of people having gold teeth and people who have sweet tooth, but do you know anything about sweet gold? In case you want to know how sugar will taste like after being coated in the most precious metal on earth, you should give these Gold Sugar Cubes a try. They are 24-carat gold-coated sugar cubes that are ideal for tea, coffee or any cocktail intended for luxury, they can also be used for culinary artworks.